What a transitional point in life this is. These kids {kids!} have schedules, and rooms and get their own food and do laundry, and have...have LIVES.
I was taken in by the whole atmosphere. Our cute little tour guide, a 4th year student herself, showed us the dorm rooms and classrooms and science labs. The food courts and hang out spots. I watched all this young life laughing and starting out and WANTED this for Tatum so badly. This would be awesome for her. A great and wonderful next step opening up what's next for her in life. What an exciting fun time.
I also got an ache inside. I wanted this for me! I had not had this? Why was this not a stepping stone for me? I started to feel sad, and jipped a little as we walked along the icy pathways between buildings.
LOL~ Then it dawned on me...like "DUH"...This is why!
and I wouldn't change a thing!~ This was my choice and a great one. And I would choose it 8 thousand times over again. I had my path and chose it, and am STILL choosing it....and I get the blessing of getting to be by her side while she chooses HER path. How fun it is to watch though.
( and if I get to help decorate the dorm room a little Tate, that would be cool with me ;)