Luckily Mike had the day off, and was able to take over as Mr. Mom while I was the savvy business woman I am, wheeling and dealing over chipped ashtrays and 400 Disney VHS tapes. (converting to DVD now OmG)
He for the 1st time EVER (pause here because this really is monumental) took Summer out by himself to the grocery store.(she is 2 years old, you do know that right??) Carseats, shopping list, and even an additional child to boot. My man is Rambo.
So when he got home, and I had not really seen my child all day...fed, clothed, or anything, I had to document some of my findings.
Men are so different. LOL!
First off, when I went to her bedroom and saw her wardrobe wide open, and her neatly stacks of paired outfits strewn about like a bear had been foraging through there, I could not imagine what he had dressed her in. He didn't do bad there (although why he wouldn't pick something already matched up IDK). I guess it was HOW he dressed her that cracked me up.
This shirt was a onsie with the snaps at the crotch, but I don't think he felt the need to use he left them hanging outside of her pants...