Thursday, April 7, 2011


Juggling. Busy. Happy. Full.

Summer cracked one of our 5 foot tall windows the other day waving {{pounding}} hello to a bird. We are all waiting with baited breath for it to shatter because you can actually hear little cracks occasionally. Our insurance company actually covers it due to her age! (minus the deduct able-blah ) One week for the glass to come in!

Windows open, fresh air in, weeping cherry in full bloom right outside my window.

Jake is in track and busy and happy with that. He had his first meet today. He is learning how to pole vault. He is getting huge muscles. It is amazing to watch his body transform into a mans. I don't remember with Tatum being this dumbstruck with this transformation they go through in puberty. He eats so much, and is growing so big. His feet are bigger than mine, he is getting taller by the day, his voice is getting deeper. My little guy is turning into his own guy...
Spring Cleaning, working on getting organized, working on my priorities...

I sent in my registration for the photography class. I did it. Money and registration. They confirmed I got one of the final spots. It starts at the end of the month. I feel like this will be the whole new beginning to a phase of me. I am open and ready and excited!

Dreaming, wondering, wishing, hoping, planning, plotting...

Tatum is getting her dress altered for the is ready to be picked up. Easter is around the corner, and so is Mike's 47th birthday! Registration for preschool, Matthew started soccer, Summer has been learning how to ride her big girl bike,I've been planning vacation for summer, ....OH, and a little life consuming thing called LAUNDRY.

"Life is a journey, not a destination."
Ralph Waldo Emerson