Gosh...This celebration took a whole weekend! It was great! Here is a glimpse of it through pictures. The day of her actual birthday she wore her Easter dress to school, took cupcakes to classmates, got presents spaced out all day long, covered her body in tattoos, lol, and we went to Grandmas (since Grandma is still recovering from surgery and couldn't come to the party on Sunday) Then on Sunday the party began! Starting at the entrance of the house with a candy bar! Filled with Summer's favorite choices ;) The winner of pin the tail on the donkey got an EXTRA scoop! It was awesome weather and a wonderful day. I sure do love this little one. I can't believe five years have slipped by already!
I'm a SAHM to four beautiful children. My daughters are named after the seasons, my boys are just tornadoes! Married for 19 years to my best friend. I love to surround myself with all of God's blessings: family, friends, animals,photography, books and nature. This is me, coming to you live from the trenches...