Everyone got to swim in the pool, and fill up on wonderful food.
At one point we had a little visitor in the pool (a baby frog). My friend Malinda was trying to point it out to everyone, but we were all in conversation. It was right next to me and Summer swimming! When I understood and saw, I kinda of jumped up and said "OH. MY. Lord!", but 2 year old LeiAnna was like "ohhhh...froggy!" and swam right up to it. lol!
Of course there was alot of baby passing around. Little AJ is now 3 months old and just too stinkin cute. People were almost friendly fighting over holding him:)
This is my niece Karma. I am loving this picture because it is soo hard to get a picture of her smiling!
Summer didn't have a nap, so considering that she did pretty well. We did have a whole episode of swim naked time, where she refused to wear a suit. She looked pretty ridiculous in the pool stark naked with her creamy white tubby baby body, but I am learning to pick my battles with her.
LeiAnna and Summer had a little cupcake party. (LeiAnna's shirt is off because it couldn't get dirty, she was on to her other grandmas) These two are starting to learn to play together and enjoy each other. It has been so fun to watch. It is hard to believe they are only 6 months apart.
Summer threw a huge fit at one point on the pool deck (about wearing a suit~go figure!) and was laying face down on the floor. LeiAnna saw her crying and got out of the pool dripping wet and went over and crouched down by her to tell her it was okay. It was too cute.
Robert and Jake having a water fight (friendly? or war at this point??)
Me and my brother, Timmy.
Pop-its galore
This is my Uncle John. This sweet guy is known for 2 things at this particular holiday. Ever since I was a little girl I can remember the fireworks he would bring. BIG fireworks (he would shoot off a legit cannon, to give you some insight!)
Although the fireworks have toned down some through the years, he still brings something fun, which he did again this year. And......
his go cart!
Kids ~ In ~ (gas powered, dangerous, mom can't watch) Heaven!!!
Kids ~ In ~ (gas powered, dangerous, mom can't watch) Heaven!!!
YES....even the big girls ride;)
My sweet Sister in Law Missy took Tatum for a driving lesson, now that she has her temps. I think it went very well!