Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Stealing

I am starting to try this new meme thing I found over at Sunday Stealing. They give you a fun meme that they find off of someone else;) This weeks is...

The "I've Come To Realize Meme..."

1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size. . .would totally rock if I got a boob job...but if I never do, it's kind of grown on me to be small busted. Big boobs would probably make me look heavier.

2. I’ve come to realize that my job. . .is never ending, and to just tackle each day as it comes.

3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving. . .I really must not pay attention to the road. My mind wanders to so many different things, and I think I must just drive on auto-pilot. I pull in to my destination surprised, like "Wow! we're here already."

4. I’ve come to realize that I need. . .sleep. Gotta get sleep for my day to go smoothly.

5. I’ve come that realize that I have lost. . .that uber mommy patience you have with your kids when they are babies, and Barney and tantrums were your battles. I can easily yell now. (something I did not do so much before) I think a teen (learning to drive) a preteen (learning to sass) and and never tired 8 year has beat it out of me. Amazingly I still pull it together for Summer, but it doesn't take much for the other's to set me off.

6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when. . .when we have no milk. Because we have none now, and it really sucks.

7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk. . .that I am a lightweight.

8. I’ve come to realize that something you don't talk about with friends.

9. I’ve come to realize that certain people. .surprise you. Even when you think you have them don't.

.10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always. . .love my children. No matter what.

11. I’ve come to realize that my sibling(s). . .is amazing. And that I could never compare to his amazingness.

12. I’ve come to realize that my mom…loves me more than anybody ever could.

13. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone. . .irritates my friends and family because I don't answer it enough.

14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning. . .that I slept in and it was GLORIOUS!

15. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep. . .what a good day we had had as a family.

16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking. . .this is a long ass meme.

17. I’ve come to realize that my dad. . .was braver than anyone I'll ever know.

18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook. . .that it was mistake, because I don't get on Facebook.

19. I’ve come to realize that today. . .was very productive, because I got all the laundry in the house done.

20. I’ve come to realize that tonight. . .I am lucky to hop in bed with my best friend and watch "Weeds"

21. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow. . .is a clean slate, and a fresh start.

22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to. . .adopt, but it's so scary and my partner isn't on board.

23. I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to repost this is. . .maybe Lacey..or Betty??

24. I’ve come to realize that life. . ."is long...if you give it away"

25. I’ve come to realize that this weekend. . .is rainy.

26. I’ve realized the best music to listen to when I am upset. . .old comfort favorites

27. I’ve come to realize that my friends. . .are the ones who stick with you good AND bad.

28. I’ve come to realize that this year. . .is flying by!

29. I’ve come to realize that my exes. . .were brief, and juvenile, and long forgotten.

30. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should. . .loosen up more.

31. I’ve come to realize that I love. . .doing what {{I}} really want, and not worry so much about what others think.

32. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand. . .all of the bible, but I will always chose Jesus over a skeptic.

33. I’ve come to realize my past. . .was a mess, but necessary.

34. I’ve come to realize that parties. . .are overrated.

35. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified. . .of losing my loved ones.

36. I’ve come to realize that my life. . .is a big journey, and I need to enjoy the ride.