She and her husband had put together a "crystal ball" (can you tell they just got back from Disney:)
It was so cool! Our neighbor Sherri was dressed up like a witch, and would one by one bring the children in where they would get to ask the crystal ball a question.
Poor Amy, I think she was hot in there. I know Matthew said she grabbed his feet. It really was rather spooky. Even Summer was brave enough to go see:)
At the end she let each of the kids try it out:) Here is Matthew...
Poor Jake had a football game (they are to the playoffs now), and Mike had to work all day (BIG pizza day). Matthew totally ditched me for his friends and I so needed Tate to hand out candy....SO it was down to Sum and me...
After the first few houses she got the jist of it and was like...
Candy in my bucket! Oh yay!
We pushed her between the houses in her little pink car and she did great!