Now the visual exam, I could have kicked her! All I'm saying is we are going to practice her right and!
WOW~ This is our first year trying to grow broccoli and it has been so fun! I had no idea where or how the broccoli stalk would grow or come out of, so it was neat to watch. It started off as just a bunch of leaves, but then one day I noticed little parsley like hairs starting in the middle! Now it is blooming into a great big broccoli stalk, just like what you see in the grocery store. Too stinking cool...
WISDOM~ Galatians 6:3 If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a nobody.
No one is any better than anyone else. We are all sinners~saved by God's grace. You should never get so confident in yourself that you think you are too good to help someone out.
Weird~ I failed miserably this year at Father's Day. We had just gotten back from vacation the day before, and my father is not here on earth, and I don't know...I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't get Mike's gift until a day later, which by then it sure wasn't a big production (sorry Mike:( ) I did get him a pretty cool blower thingy so sweeping up grass after mowing wasn't such a pain:) But since I am the one that usually does that job, I'm starting to feel a little sheepish again;(
WEAKNESS~ Oh man..vacation week. You've got me good this time! Does everything under the sun count???
Let's see, I would say Heath bars. Toffee. Chocolate. Ate like 5 whole ones myself.
Nough said.