Sunday, September 20, 2009

The One Where I'm (almost) Famous...(kindof, sortof, not)

One of the many fun things we did on our trip, was one evening we set out on a ghost walk. In the evening hours, with a group and tour guide, we crossed planked bridges over waters containing alligators and Spanish mossed covered trees, and would sporadically stop to hear our pirate clad guide tell another true tale.
Matthew and Summer were armed with light up swords, and none of the stories got too scary, so that our boys could enjoy, and everything else went over Summer's head.
One true story that sticks we me and shook me was the story of a South Carolina family who while traveling, little's six year old girl contracted diphtheria and died. Since it was in the 1800's and they didn't embalm back then, they dressed her in her pink party dress and had her funeral the very same day. They put her in the family's mausoleum. The stone door took two grown men to drag shut it was so heavy. The parent mourned terribly for their little daughter for years.
It took 16 years before another family member died, and it was a cousin, in a hunting accident. When two strong men moved the stone entrance to the mausoleum, they had a very hard time opening it, for jammed in the door was the skeleton of the little girl in her pink party dress. She had been in a deep coma, and awaken later to find herself in the family's grave. She of course couldn't move the stone, and died probably days later.
Her family grieved again for her death.
A short while after the cousin was place there the family found the entrance left open. Upset they re shut it and placed locks. Again, and again this happened.
Some say, it is the little girl making sure that none of her family gets trapped in there again.
They said that the mausoleum is in town to this day with the
There were many other stories that night...some spooky and some kind of dumb, but it was fun!
We then stopped midway at The House of Blues Restaurant for a bathroom break and drinks. This place is a picture haven! It is out of this world decorated.
Summer got up on the empty stage and totally shook and shimmied to the Blues music. The hostess came over and awarded her with a House of Blues necklace for nice work:)
So after a quick break, I wandered off to get some neat pictures....

And I start chatting with the hostess, and mid sentence she drops me. Like flat. And I see this guy walk out with his family I guess, and I'm like. I totally know you. Oh my Freaking Gosh.
Now I am someone who has NEVER seen anyone famous in my whole stinking life, so to some of you, this may seem silly, but to me....I freaking PEED MY PANTS. And Of Course I didn't ask to get his autograph~cause that would be rude! And I would never ask to take his picture~ cause that would be too embarrassing! So instead I stood there peeing my pants, and acting like he was just a regular Joe, and that I was NOT taking HIS picture...I was taking pictures of the shoes on the wall.
Any ways...can you see who it is???
Here is a close up...
My Girl, Ghost Busters, Blues Brothers!!!!!
Yea, the mustache throws you, but I double checked with the hostess when she came back to talk with the little people again. It was him.
I'm so lame. I texted Lacey from S.C. AND called my Mama.
So I go back to join the group and totally punch Mike in the shoulder and say in a hissing whisper "I just saw Dan Aykroyd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I was so excited for the rest of the damn night:)
And now...for you Twilight fans...
as we were leaving the parking lot. Look what we saw for sale!

Taum wanted to buy it so bad!