Monday, March 22, 2010


Funny picture to describe Mike... Funny Picture to describe Me....

**Jake starts Flag Football tomorrow, My mom and her husband are in Mexico for the week, Spring break is next week for the kids, Spring cleaning has started NOW for me, My VERYGOODBLOGGYFRIEND Jewls and her husband have just been blessed with their son!!!~go See!!!, We are traveling to Dayton to take Matthew to a Behavioral Opthamologist next week...eekk! This could lead many places :( , Summer turns THREE tomorrow and we are taking her to the ZOO for the first time!, She is OFFICIALLY potty trained and IN underwear!~oh PRAISE BE!, Tatum picked up an extra day at work and now works Thursdays too, Spring has sprung and it is GLORIOUS!

Oh, Oh, OH!!! And go check out my friend Trish!!! She is having a SUPER BIG GIVEAWAY that you DO NOT want to pass up :)

This is the way the ladies ride....I mean eat...

No, I did NOT set her up to eat this way, but when I walked back in the kitchen this is HOW she was eating....the heathen. :)