~~Mike is scheduled for surgery for next Thursday and handling it like a real man ( at this I laugh). Bless his heart, he is not one for medical stuff, and I think would much rather be in a bar fight any day than have to have a safe out patient procedure done.
~~My 12 year old is obsessed with Farmville and is to the point that he sets his alarm for 6 am because his crops need to be harvested?!?!?!
~~Tatum driving already has been a Godsend and is at the Y right now working out (but also has taken Matthew to his swim team practice!!). In turn, I get to be home on this rainy night and not have to drag Summer out in the dark. We are making tacos for their return.
~~Summer has discover Play-dough, and although she ultimately mixes all the colors together so you just end up with GREY, she stays quite busy and happy with it! Win/win.
~~Our pizza business has taken a major hit this month with a major competitor coming out with quite an advertisement. That plus add in every ones Christmas bills are coming due and it is s . l . o . w . Mike is NOT a happy camper. It is hard to get along right now.
~~Report cards come home this week and it is the start of the third quarter! Phew...I am ready for all signs to point to Spring!!
~~Oh, a little thing happened the other day called....SUMMER PEED IN THE POTTY FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! YAY!!! Of course it's not consistent by ANY means but with that determined little girl it is a HUGE step of progress! Oh we danced and clapped and woke up the boys and passed out candy :) She was wandering around my room with no clothes on, (in a lame attempt on my part that had gone lazy and I just let her be ) and kept messing with me (she would sit on the potty and make the pssstt noise, like she was going and grin reall big....I swear she does this stuff to egg me on. Well at one point she really started to go! I think she kindof scared herself, Lol! She was like "I"M GOING MOM!"!!!!! It was so funny!)
~~I came across this picture in my files. It is from last April. It made me smile. Just look at that kitten's face. I don't know whether to laugh or cry for that little one! And Summer's tear's pooled up on her cheeks just about break my heart :)