WEIRD- Have you met my son Jake?? Yup. We are so proud. For years my husband would joke that the short bus would be coming for him...then it started not being so funny....
(Him trying on Matthew's swim cap for swim team just to see if he could get it over his golden locks)
You would have thought I lit that girl on FIRE! She LEAPT across the room and screamed, and THEN came and hit me! Saying "mama...that'smybiggestfeareveryouscaredmetodeath!!!!!!!"
O. M. G. I honestly wasn't trying to scare her, I was trying to let her know I was there and I just said boo to be funny, but I didn't say it in a scary way!
Anyways it was THE funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time:)
WINTER GETAWAY-Looks like my Mom is willing to take the kids again this year for Mike and I to get away for a few days. (remember last year when we got to go to Cancun for 3 days?) I am busy planning and finding the perfect place, and I "think" I have found it!! Details soon to come!
WHY POTTYTRAIN? Summer looks like she is going to be the hardest nut out of the 4 to crack. She absolutely will NOT go near the potty. She actually laid on the floor the other day in front of Mike and I clutching her crotch and declared that {{and I quote}} "loved peeing in her diaper, and NO NO potty!"
At least we are done with the pacifier?? score one for mom and dad;{