Friday, October 31, 2008
Oh My Head
Heather and I went out last night for her 35th birthday. We had so much fun, and I have not laughed that much in forever. We went to Columbus and shopped and drank and watch a show at Shadowbox Cabera.
Now the buzz is gone. I am back home.
The party is O. V. E. R.
I feel OLD. And have a headache.
And it was TOTALLY worth it!!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Adult Conversation Wanted
SUMMER: AHHHSWAL (Oswald!) (A show on Noggin)
ME: That's right baby! Very Good! Now it is time to go though.
ME: Oh yes! We have to go in the car. You can watch Oswald when we get back.
SUMMER: NNnnnOOOOooo!!!!!
ME: (turning off the tv) Come on now (picking her wreathing body up) we'll be back later (having her kick and headbutt) you can watch Oswald then (listening to her scream bloody murder!)
SUMMER: AAaaswhallll!!! No! NO! @%$^#%&^)#(^#^%^*#^& (baby cuss)
From 8:30 a.m. to about 3:00 when Tatum gets home, this is the stimulating conversations I behold. Then Noggin turns into Monk, and Animal Rescue 911, and Deal or No Deal. And the conversations do not amount into much more than whether or not I can get grasshopper cookies at the grocery the next time I go.
I have begun talking to myself over a cup of crazy.
Naw now...Don't you go Judging me~!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fall Fest
Actually we were pretty busy during the event. We took these pictures before the crowds came:)
Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!
Get Service
(Please pause music player at the bottom...HEATHER K!)
Please take the time to watch this video. It might just start off your week on the right foot!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sweet on Mike
It always seems to astound me how much news like this shocks me. I maybe have always just had the safe falsehood of "this would never happen to me", but I know that this woman had to of had the same thoughts. She was in love, had a family, had been married for years, was married to her best friend. Thinking of all this unnerved me.
I grew up in a house where hell or high water, my parents stayed married. They were put to the test too. 17 years of battling Multiple Sclerosis to the bitter dirty end....divorce was never even an option. You just got through it. Together.
I guess in my naiveness of getting married, I just knew deep in my heart Mike was my mate. Yea, we fight...Yes, we really don't like each other at times. Yes, divorce crosses your mind when time get gritty and low...BUT, you never really go through with it. How could you....really.
I came home heavy hearted and told Mike my thoughts, and we talked it out. He said some really smart things.
1. I made my choice. He said that he had prayed for years for the chance to have a mate and a family, and he knows how lonely and hard life can be. He would never mess that up.
2. When something that looks better comes along....get it out of your system and move on! Yes the grass looks greener sometimes. Doesn't it to everyone sometimes...Is it really? No, I don't think so. "Get that shit out and get it over with".
3. People he knows that have taken on this change, still never got over it. Even though they moved to someone new, they always still carried the sorrow and bitterness. They never really did get to "leave the situation". It still chased them.
This conversation made me love my husband even more. Because I know our marriage is a choice. A choice we have to make work every day. And we choose each other.
No, it's not our anniversary, or a special date. I just wanted to say to the world how much I love this man. Who works so hard everyday for his family. Who loves me!?!
Since we had a shot gun wedding in '93, on our 10 year anniversary in '03 we took a cruise, and renewed our vows on the beaches of Key West. I just would like to share with you the wedding poem I wrote to him.
Ten years have flown by, but I
Love you more each passing day
We have built upon our own
History, and it has been fun!!
We are a unit. Our lives have held
So much that is intertwined that
I don’t know how I could be me
Without you by my side.
Here is a collection of little things
Of why I love you so much.
When you kiss me goodbye for
Work & your cologne rubs off
On my clothes, & I can smell you
On me for hours
When you call me chick-a bee
When you said “lets go to church
This morning
When you grow your beard or have look great!!
That you love music & put your
Whole heart into it when u play
That you cook dinner and never
That you love me even with my
Never ending faults
That you have our baby boys hairs
Grow long and curly
That our children look like little
That you faithfully take Matty to
That you live in a house-o-cats and
All that it entails, just because of me
That you cried when my father died
That you watched our children take
Their first breath
You never once told me to quit smoke-
Ing- you let me do it on my own
You were there for my graduation
That we were soo excited when we
Bought our trailer that we ran from end
To end of it laughing
That you let me have puppies in your
Now it is almost 16 years together. I want to see it to the end baby. And I am so lucky it is with you!
***Please know that this is not intended to put down ANYONE who has every had to leave a marriage due to abuse. Toxic situations like that you NEED TO GET OUT OF***
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hip Hop in Louisville
(you might want to turn off the music at the bottom)
This weekend Tatum competed in her first Hip Hop competition. After years of competitive gymnastics, her knees wouldn't keep up with her skill, dedication, and love of the sport. After a broken ankle last fall, she just couldn't stay in it. We looked for something that could fill her ninch. She is such a gifted spirit when it comes to body and grace. She tried a hip hop class, and joined just 8 weeks before their 1st competition.
They did great! Even though there were only 2 competitors in that category and age group, they got 1st place.
We all will miss her beauty and grace up on that balance beam (and it might take mom here awhile to digest these hip hop outfits) but she will continue to amaze and hypnotize us with her gifts from God that she shows with such beauty!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Big Pink Potty
All Kidding aside, she does amaze us every day with something new she learned. Lately, she has been telling me every time she pees (she says pee pee and swats at her cha cha) or poops (she says uh oh!)
Now I know it is waayy to early for potty training, but she is insistent about telling me. So we gave in and got her a potty.
Has she peed on it you say?
Well No.
But like I said, there is no rush, I feel like it is too soon.
The point is she likes it. She's getting comfortable with it. And when she decides to take that giant leap into big girl land, I will be there to help wipe her!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Blogger's Trade
Thanks Betty ! I love it! It will keep me warm this cold Ohio winter. The kids are so excited to try the monkey farts! (she sent some homemade bath drop soaps too) My boys are going to smell sweet as angels!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pumpkins and Apple Cake
We got our first ever group shot today. Yay!
We had a fun day meeting up at the pumpkin farm. Joe's mom and dad, and Heather's sister and her family came too. We had beautiful weather for a trip to the farm.
We took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch. Poor Mike was a trooper. All the muscles in his back seized up on him today when he was doing yard work. I know he felt miserable, but he hung in there....
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Help from my Dad
After it had gotten later and later, and mom had tried her turn, and they would be headed for bed themselves, I would still be there laying awake and upset. It would be my dad then to come in. He would talk with me and try to get me calm. Through this period, one of the things he did that tried to help was he showed me this little sack of Kentucky bluegrass seeds he kept in his top dresser drawer. He only got the bag out for me when I really needed it. I would clutch onto the bag and manage to sleep. The seeds had come from his days of dating my mom. She had given them to him, and for some reason he had kept them through the years.
My dad passed away after years of battling MS, and one of the things I still have in my safe box in that little bag of bluegrass seeds.
My 7 year old has been having a hard time lately. It breaks my heart to see the struggles he has. One of his troubles is nightmares. He has them almost nightly and is terrified. It doesn't seem to matter how we try to convince him that those things aren't real. He comes to us in the middle of night so scared his little body shakes and quivers.
Last night I pulled him aside and told him I was going to show him something from his Grandpa. That neither Tatum or Jake had ever gotten to use it. I told him how when I was little I had hard times too at bedtime. I got out the little sack and let him take it to bed. I told him that even though Grandpa died before he was born, that he would watch over him from Heaven. I crossed my fingers and he did fall asleep without any trouble.
About 4 o'clock he came to me and handed it back to me and said "Here...these don't work...I had a bad dream". But I told him to keep it, that it would still help.
When he woke up this morning I asked how he slept. He said that he had all good dreams, except for that one! I said "See, it does help!"
I pray that we can work through all of Matthew's troubles one at a time. I'm so glad I have the help from my dad on this one.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What is a Starfish?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tatum's Birthday
The kids are on for "Fall Break", so there was no school today or Monday. Well because of this, I didn't have to get up at 6:30 for Tatum's bus and then get up for good at 7:30 for the boys bus. I slept in until 9:00!! WooHoo!! Then as we got ready to go, I handed the baby off to Mike, kissed the boys goodbye, and we were FREE!
We went and got pedicures first. Oh man, I love it! Tatum got black polish and it looked really cute!
Now I look like Shrek's sister---no lie!!! Oh well... it is starting to grow on me.
Ummm...Holy S**T! I cannot believe the prices in that place!!! Tatum wanted these paper thin shirts and they were $40. That is Forty Dollars. EACH! She used her own money, but with tax it was over $80. For 2 shirts!! Thank Goodness she is not one of those kids that expects clothes from those kind of places! It could never happen!
Then she got to open Lindsey's gift, some bracelets and makeup.