We worked so hard on this, loving this season and holiday. And of course it is all for the kids right?
That would be why I have not a single picture of our children dressed up for this affair......but I have plenty of pictures of our decorations and of us.
I am an awesome mom!
Actually we were pretty busy during the event. We took these pictures before the crowds came:)
This one advertised our game Guess the Monster...kind of an icebreaker game that the kids had to hunt around for different people that were certain monsters.
This was our prize table.
We also had a costume contest. Different categories like Spookiest, Scariest, Prettiest, and Best Homemade. One kid actually put boots on his hands, jeans on his arms, shirt on his legs, and a head between his legs, so it looked like a person standing upside down. Very Cool. There were mini Sarah Palin's, someone inside a laundry basket with a hole cut out the middle and laundry attached all over them, monsters, and witches.
The Principal got to choose the winners. One category, was slow for many people to come for, I forget what it was, maybe scariest, well this werewolf kid comes up alone. The Principal keeps saying to the kids, "Come on up if you want to be in this category"..and such. Finally a 2nd kid comes up in the SAME costume! Then a 3rd kid in the same costume! We only had prizes for 2 places, but made do so all three could win!
The highlight of the evening had to be towards the end. Heather, and Joe, and I happened to all be there in the back hall. Well, some kid decided to open his locker with his combination and GET INSIDE of the locker and jump out at people trying to scare them. As he sat crouched in his locker, someone else who didn't know he was in there walked by and SHUT THE DOOR! The kid was hollering and yelling, and the bottom latch didn't click, so his little gloved skeleton fingers were wiggling out. The first teacher that got there was mad. A crowd started to form. When the principal got there, he was a cool cat. He talked to the kid and was able to get it open. The first thing he said to the kid was "Did ya learn your lesson?" When the kid agreed he had, the principal said to someone as he handed them his camera...."Take our picture in front of the locker". Every one was smiling then.
Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!