No~ You may not get that cereal just because it has a prize you want.
No~ You can not get Vault energy drink like dad (which has like ALOT of caffiene)
No~ You can not get an entire bag of potatoes to make potatoe people out of.
No~ You can NOT get a lottery ticket out of that machine.
No~ You can not buy an entire bag of marshmellows to eat all yourself.
No~ You can not buy sugar gum, silly putty, cap guns, or pop.
So the other day, as they deliciously eyed the coconuts, like it was some kind of gold, and asked the fated question...I said "yes".
Now we don't like coconuts mind you. I actually really dislike coconut. ALOT.
I have just now at the age of 33 started to accept pina colodas. I know my kids don't like it either because every year for my husbands birthday we have German chocolate cake, and they don't like the icing. But I thought, oh well, we can have fun. For $1.99.
The deal was I would get it and let them crack it if they PROMISED they would try a bite. We researched it and this is how you do it.
First you need a hammer, a long nail, a towel, and a coconut.
They each took a couple good whacks and...
Now the milk was not like I thought. I was thinking it would be white. I think I watched to much Gilligan's' Island as a kid. It was clear.