Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me Monday

I did not tell my 10 year old to put on a coat outside, and then when he didn't, instead of pursuing it I let him freeze.

I did not eat at "Golden Corral". And let the kids drink pop. And Matty have 3 deserts, and the baby eat a 5oo calorie bun the size of New York, and eat a big fat piece of Chocolate pie. (because I am losing weight you know!)

I did not just wear a shirt and underware till 3:oo p.m. on Saturday, because I was too lazy to get a shower.

I did not trick Summer into taking her antibiotics by turning on Elmo and bribing her with a sucker, and using a squirter dispenser so it shot straight back into her poor little throat.

I am starting to feel bad about myself now! Maybe I am not meant to do this Not ME Mondays:(