It has taken me forever, to take the time to get this together, but I finally have. Our little girl that we sponser in Mexico is turning 2 the day after Summer, and I want to be sure that she can get her 1st package from the U.S. in time.
We were very limited as to what we were allowed to send, and I hope it all goes through to her. Getting to visit Mexico, made me teeth at the bit to be so close, yet not get to see her! At dinner time the children include her in our family prayer, and I pray that she is safe, and warm.
I picked out this little doll, one because it can fit in the package size I am allowed to send, but also because they said that she loved baby dolls. It will be perfect for her to hold onto...
We sent some sweets, for her and her brothers, although I was very careful as to what to pick since she is so young. I just kept basing my choices on Summer.
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2 years ago