Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today is my birthday!

March 5th, 1975 I was born. I was my parents 2nd child and 1st girl. My dad wasn't allowed to be in the delievery room with my brother, but by the time I was born, they let he was thrilled.

Rebecca Lyn Grundhoefer. Good German name. Eleven letters to that last name!

I had a great childhood. Thanks mom and dad. I love you both so much for all you have given me and inspired me to do.
Mom~I can't wait for you to get home from your vacation from Texas because I miss you so much already. It really is ridiculous that you try to travel on me like this:)
Dad~I can't wait to one day see you again. I hope you can see me from up above in heaven and are proud.

You have GOT to love that my parents let us have "Grizilda" in this picture. I am sure Olan Mills was thrilled:)

Bring it on "34"!! I am happy and healthy and so so blessed!