Sunday, March 15, 2009

Papers from the Past

I am really good about keeping certain keepsakes. Photo albums are filled and kept in chronological order. I have every calendar since Mike and I got married. We all have our strengths in different areas, and that is what makes us special and unique.

After I grew up my parents gave me a manila envelope filled with scraps of paper, that my dad had kept for me. It was notes I had written him as I was a kid. Simple, everyday random notes, such as me telling him I was going out to play, or Birthday notes, or papers from when we played school. (I was the teacher...he was my student! I was usually pretty hard on him, quite strict and gave him bad grades. He enjoyed this thoroughly I think!) I don't know if he ever could have guessed how profound this would be to me. We had very rocky teenage years, and by the time I had matured and settled down, he was very sick, and he died by the time I was 22.

I went through the big envelope last night, and have pulled out some of my favorites. My family who reads this will probably enjoy this as much as I did.......Thanks Dad!
My dad dressed up one year as The MS (multiple sclerosis) Mystery Sleuth Dog. I thought I was big stuff when he came to my school because that was MY dad in the costume.
My mom was well known for being on the phone a long time with her friend Bridget. I am sure we drove her nuts!

Apparently I played with barbies wwaayy too long. Believe me I know. When I was 12 my grandma's friend made a snicker of a comment that I was too old to be playing with Barbies, and I never did again. But oh how I did love to cut their hair!

My mom would bring my dad his paper each morning and he woke up to this note attached to it when at 18 I had my 1st baby.

This last note is quite funny, because this was the stage that I had that horrible type of retainer that bridged across the roof of my mouth, and there was a key!*!*!*! that had to be turned each night.
My parents actually had to tie it to a string, and then to a rubber band that they would wear on their wrist, so that if they dropped it, it wouldn't fall down my throat. I know...good times!
I must of really been loving him that night to write that he could turn my key! LOL!
I am working with my new scanner, and this was the perfect project for it! Thanks for taking a trip with me down memory lane!